Welcome to the Winter Farmhouse

I · January 9, 2021

Well, I’m here. The fire is burning in the wood stove, screen time has decreased, and I’m eating a lot more barley and lentils.

The Internet has been fine, no issues doing my job.

It’s been interesting heating a house with just a wood stove. I’ve gotten into a routine in the morning of splitting wood and bringing some inside. The hardest part has been setting the fire up to keep burning all night. My attempts have failed a few times, leading the house to get down to 8 degrees Celsius one morning. I did that morning’s work on my laptop in a chair close to the stove.

It’s mostly been a warm (high of ~1 degree Celsius) week, so the river out back is only now completely frozen over since the temperatures have gotten consistently below zero. Looking forward to the ice getting thicker and covered in snow so I can use it as a cross-country ski trail.

That’s all there is to report for now!

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